TRP Full form in Medical | What is TRP in Biology ?

TRP Full form in Medical

TRP in medical, TRP in Biology, TRP medical test, a lot of times we have heard people talking about these terms. TRP abbreviations are used in different fields for different meanings, be it medical or biology. In this post I will explain in detail the TRP full form in medical, TRP medical test & TRP in biology

Table of Contents

  1. TRP in medical
  2. TRP medical test
  3. TRP in Biology

TRP in Medical

TRP in medical stands for Transient Receptor Potential . They are a group of ions located in plasma membrane of animal cells. You can imagine them as the parts responsible for different sensations in our body such as pain, temperature, vision , pressure and taste. 

TRPs in medical
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They are thought to behave like microscopic thermometers and used to sense hot or cold whenever we touch anything. 
Some TRP channels are activated by molecules found in spices like garlic (allicin), chili pepper (capsaicin), wasabi (allyl isothiocyanate); others are activated by mentholcamphor, peppermint, and cooling agents

They are of different types but share some common traits among all. TRPs in medical terms are grouped into six subparts-
  1. Canonical TRPs (TRPCs)
  2. Vanilloid receptor TRPs (TRPVs)
  3. Melastatin TRPs (TRPMs)
  4. Mucolipins (TRPMLs)
  5. Polycystins (TRPPs)
  6. Ankyrin transmembrane protein 1 (TRPA1)

TRP Medical Test

TRP abbreviation in medical test stands for Tubular Re-absorption of Phosphorus. This is a test performed including serum and urine phosphorus for calculation of tubular re-absorption of phosphorus.

TRP in Biology

TRP full form in Biology stands for Tryptophan, a group of genes. It is present in many bacteria. The operon is regulated so that when tryptophan is present in the environment, the genes for tryptophan synthesis are not expressed. It was an important experimental system for learning about gene regulation, and is commonly used to teach gene regulation.

The operon model proposes three elements

  1. Structural genes
  2. A DNA sequence which is an operator site regulating the transcription of structural genes
  3. A regulator gene encoding the protein to recognize the operator site

TRP in Biology
TRP in Biology ; Image Source- Microbenotes

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